Wednesday 11 September 2013

Generation 1, Part 2

After a surprisingly rough first night, Martin Swick leaves his room, with the events of the previous night slightly hazy, that might not of been a problem but it might have been nice for him to know...
Where his sofa went. It wasn't a very nice sofa but it was quite comfy to sit on, unlike the rock hard floor his home was based on, maybe it was set alight under mysterious circumstances, it might have been stolen or it might have just disappeared from time itself. Martin had no idea, he just kept trying to remember what had happened, he was so tired that night.

The sink was missing too, if he was robbed, someone must have spent a lot of time stealing all the pipe work. 

Martin did his daily routine of washing himself. It was so relaxing it was almost as if nothing else in the world was happening, so silent, so peacefu... This is when the sound of a car horn made Martin jump, he was nowhere near busy roads on this hillside, wonder why he honked. That is when Martin remembered one thing he had forgotten.
"I'm Sorry! I Forgot!" He shouted at the carpool driver waiting at the end of the road.
Martin needed this chance in order to be successful in film, he would work from 1PM till 8PM every weekday rehearsing the lines and (hopefully soon) start filming the movie. He didn't have much screen time and it paid next to nothing, but it was a start.
"Can't this thing go any faster?" he asked, impatiently, to the woman driving the car. She didn't say a word, just shook her head at Martin, she knew if she got into any conversation he might end up partly blaming his late on her.
Inside his head, Martin was secretly screaming "Hurry up!"
"Hurry up!" He was still extremely tired and in a rather rough mood from the sink and sofa incident, he didn't need anything else to sour his first day.
An hour late, he arrived at Plumbob Pictures.

Tired, Hungry and Late. The three things he shouldn't have been that day, he could see the annoyance in his directors eyes from the moment he stepped in and it only got worse from their. The man had obviously seen this many times. Martin tried all he could to keep with it but he just couldn't, his days pay was cut and he was told to "Shape up or slip out!"
Ashamed of his performance, he quietly left and ignored everything around him. He was so tired he could just nap on the ground here, but he dragged himself over to the carpool to keep at least a little dignity.

Damnit Martin!
Luckily theirs only two more days for him this week.
*Ring, Ring* TUESDAY (A trip into Martins thoughts)
"How'd I Get In Bed?"
"I'm not used to only eating corn flakes yet, but i'll adjust!"
"I really need a new sofa!"
"There's nothing like a hot, relaxing bath!"
"How come this subway always smells like a toilet, is it meant to?"
"Late again. Gosh Darnit!"
Today in work they started shooting the first scene, Martin was left out of it.
"Where'd that chick who drove me go?"
Wednesday, The Day Before Leisure Day
"When did I set my alarm for five?"
"Note to self: Buy more Corn Flakes"
"I really need a new sofa"
"Might as well brush my teeth here! 'Cause I don't think the bathroom sinks coming back anytime soon!"
"Todays a wonderful day for a run!"
"Is that squirrel dead or alive! Oh... Neither, Its a stick!"
"Well, I'm early for once, might as well do something else while I'm in town."
Martin went to the closest bar that was near, it looked a little rough but no one else should be there at 11AM
"One 'Big Mistake', Please!"
The mixer looked at him funny and replied in an almost hidden Irish accent "Are you sure about that?", He took Martin's silence as a yes and assumed he knew what he was doing.
The man did impressive squirts and tricks from a variety of containers
Most of which Martin mist while looking at the drum kit.
He stirred and poured and handed over the questionable looking substance to Martin.
Martin eventually realised he was done and paid the man.
It was a lot stronger than he thought it would be, but it was good.
If anything, maybe a little too strong.
He came into work a little past one, a little late.
During the next scene recording, drunk Martin persuaded the director to put him in the scene, reluctantly he accepted and to his surprised, as he sobered up, he was quite good. Nothing breathtaking, but it did make him reconsider how useful Martin was
There was no other place Martin was spending his free night, as tomorrow was leisure day.

A nurse was having a look at Martin when she noticed martin come in and scream "The Prophecy Child Has Returned!" Confused, she kept staring at the half-sober man as he was talking to himself under his breath about 'them', of course he took the prolonged stare the wrong way, poor nurse.
"Hello. The names Martin, Martin Swick. Nice to meet you!"
"Are you by any chance single?"
"I'm actually in a very happy relationship with my boyfriend jeremy, we met on a park in Brisb..."
He took a last glimpse at the unavailable woman he had just left speechless before taking an order of a "Cherry Casanova" Or two, though the substance the bartender gave him seemed more like Vodka mixed with Cherryade, he kinda liked it more than the original.
He then ordered a plate of chicken wings, while staring at the drum kit which Martin wondered must be lonely, never getting played.
While the bartender ducked down, Martin took his chance to admire the shirt on his back, rather well made.
To see if he would actually pay attention, the bartender tipped the plate to its side, dropped a wing on the grimy floor covered with a sticky substance and cheap liquor and then put it on the plate, and Martin didn't have a clue.
While he wiped, he looked over at Martin shoveling chicken down his throat, chuckling to himself.
He spied on all the customers, making sure nothing suspicious was happening.
Even though the place was practically empty.
Drunk Martin was also laughing at himself, though no one quite knew why. They just ignored him and let him eat his wings.
Now that he was serving someone who paid attention, he had a lot more enthusiasm for what he was doing and overall just showing off his developed mixing skills.
The laughing was getting too much for the bartender and the curiosity got the better of him, he eventually turned his head and said "What's so funny?", Martin replied with "Well, you see, I..."
"Get Out! Were closing early tonight!" Commanded a very angry barkeeper. Martin seemed proud of himself.
The night was just ending, but there was still plenty to do.
A woman who was going to go into the bar was waiting outside, wondering what to do with the rest of her evening, Martin had a few ideas.
"I do blew *Hiccup* a kiss at you, my love!"
"What! Why didn't you like it? How about this?"

"I... I've got to go, maybe jump off a bridge and we will meet again." She then dashed off , daring not to look behind her.
"Its all yer fault. You made her hate me you lying menace!"
"You did not just call me that!"

"You... You sir..."
"People like 'You' you are the reason this town is going to hell!"
"Oh Yeah! You cant talk! You poach rabbits, the news said so!"
"Get out of my town, you LOUSY DRUNK!"

"I think I found the table! Guys! I did it!"
Sleeping at 8 o'clock on a pavement, sleeping next to a dumpster shoeless covered in someone elses filth. This can only spell good things for the rest of leisure day.

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