Sunday 10 November 2013

Generation 1, Part 7

After a night at the bar, trying to forget the previous nights weird conclusion, Martin returns to his home at 1 in the morning.

He quickly trashes the remains of Mr. Spooky Whiskers and continues on into the house as if it was nothing.
As he walked into the house he instantly smelled something horrible, he put the blame on the old cereal bowl from nights before.
He decided to clean up the old, dirty dish that had been there for days now as it started to fill the room with a deathly stench.
The stench didn't go away but the dish was cleaned and cleaned again.
Using the same dish, He ate another bowl of generic cereal while watching a rerun of an old episode of Celebrity RollerCoaster.
When he walked into the bathroom he realised this was the source of all his problems, the sink, bathtub and especially toilet were all either broken or just plain unclean, it was horrible! The floors were covered in old bits of waste that had come out of the toilets. It wasn't a pretty sight.
Martin rung up a repairman to deal with fixing the toilet, he wasn't attempting that!
 He got himself into bed and started to sleep off into the night. He didn't have any work for the next week as all filming was done on GPod and all that was left was to get it into cinemas for the premier.
 Soon after getting asleep, he heard a large knocking on the door. He had forgot to unlock the door for the repairman that he had called in.
 He had to drag himself out of bed and open the front door. It was already six and he only had half an hours sleep.
 When he opened the door he found a beautiful young lady standing their. It though it may have been a little sexist but Martin had expected more of a middle aged, rough looking bald man to be coming in, not her! He couldn't be all friendly with her and just let her into his disgusting bathroom, he decided to hold her back and chat to her instead. She was very nice but insisted to get on with her work.
 Eventually, Martins 'charm' started to rub off on her and the conversation turned very flirtatious. All attempts for her to start working were stopped by Martin who was determined not to let her fix the toilet, it would be an embarrassment.
 He found out her name was Demetria McCormack, he liked that name, it was very... unique!
 Martin was lovestruck. He was sure she was the one even after only knowing her for a couple short minutes, he'd never felt this way before (well, except for with Mag, Pam, Emily, Trisha...)
 And it was safe to assume Demetria was enjoying the company as well.
 The whole encounter was filled with the usual moves: massages, flirting, hugs, ETC

 It was time for Demetria to go do another call, but before she left he gave Martin her number and, jokingly, a word of advice "The repair hotline is for object repairs, not dating. Okay?" A solid statement by anyone's word. They also arranged a small 'meeting' for later on in the day.
 For the rest of the morning Martin caught up with his sleep before it was time to set off.
 They were to meet at the Town Overlook in the evening, so Martin headed straight there. It was a great view.
 He waited ten minutes or so for the sun to fall before Demetria arrived.
 They instantly started where they left off with chatting and flirting in front of the scenic view, some might even have called it "romantic"
 but soon it was time to depart, apparently a sink on Queensbury Road's pipe had burst. They hugged before having to say goodbye and she ran off leaving Martin standing there, alone.

 He smiled and happily said to himself "I've still got it!" He must have to get this far in one day.
 He got home late at night and started packing away his halloween decorations, as winter was soon coming.
 But, no matter how many times he put the Gnome in the garbage it would appear outside again, Martin tried to ignore it and just hoped it wouldn't do anything if he just left it there...
 On the way back, he also bought a bike to use for getting around town, though it probably would have been more useful during the summer.
 He got home to a cold house with frosted windows, he made sure to wear an extra layer before heading off to bed.
 Though it didn't show often, Martin was rather childish. This means he get's bored easily, has a low attention span and always wants to have fun, but mainly he just likes being surrounded with friendly looking toys sometimes, like this skeleton teddy halloween decoration.
Once he woke up, Martin looked out the frosted window and stared at main town Bridgeport.
 It was completely fogged out and frosted, winter was truly coming.
 Martin rung up Brad and told him about Demetria, and the previous days events. Brad gave him some advice about going to the gym to impress girls and that it worked in getting his current girlfriend, Emily. While Martin didn't think his story was entirely true, he didn't have anything else to do that day and set off towards the Gym.
 Martin got on his brand new NostalgiaCycle and rode all the way down to the towns gym.

 Martin had made it to the "AJV Wellness Center." It was a large building with a different type of exercise on each floor.
 The lobby was very modern, nice and clean.
 There were weight benches, treadmills and most importantly...
 ...a pool!
 Martin swam around the place and admired the view that the top floor gave him.
 The pool was entirely empty (unlike the claustrophobic, loud and difficult to maneuver pools Sunset Valley had).
 He thought he looked better already, though he didn't really do much exercise.
 He then headed down into the main room and walked through puddles of what he hoped was sweat (but there was a possible 'bladder bug' that's going around).
 He ran on the treadmill for  around half an hour and improved his athletics, though he was no runner by any stretch of the imagination.
 Embarrassingly, he slipped up on the treadmill and was dragged off by the speeds of the belt. At Least no one saw...
 ...well, except that guy. He definitely saw!
Once he had made progress in his athleticism, he headed off home on his comfy bike in the cold.

Leftover Images

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