Thursday 21 November 2013

Generation 1, Part 8

While the cold wind was blowing through his still slightly wet hair, Martin Swick was riding back to his house in the hills on his trusty bicycle.
when he arrived, he noticed the creepy witch gnome in a more adventurous, floating position. Not actually moving or doing anything but still being creepy.
in an attempt to cheat himself into thinking that nothing was wrong with it, he kicked it into the pile of haunted pumpkin mess. Halloween was a rather weird day.
When entering the bathroom he noticed it really wasn't a very pleasant place, the toilet was blocked with things that are truly unspeakable and the bath would probably make someone dirtier while bathing. So, he rang someone to unblock the toilet because he wasn't going to spend too long in there himself.
Martin took a good, hard look at himself in the mirror. He thought a new image change would probably be good for him, wearing the same clothes for weeks on end probably isn't a good thing for looks or hygiene.
He kept mixing and matching all the spare clothes in his drawer until he came up with this... strange new attire.
Well, whatever works for you, but I don't think it will be trending anytime soon.
While he was changing, the worker arrived. Martin must have forgot that Demetria worked for the company, as it came as quite a shock to him when she once again came knocking at his door.
Quickly, he grabbed a dish from his coffee table and proceeded to start scrubbing to make himself look at least a little hygienic before she enters 'Satan's Pit'.
When she walked into the front room, she was greeted with a nervous "Hello Dem..." from Martin, he wasn't just nervous because she was about to walk into his 'den of destruction' but just because of her simple presence, he was wondering what had happened to him; Martin had never been this shy with anyone before.
Once she left to do her job, (he couldn't stall her this time, she might think he was just calling to stalk her or something) he started reading his GPod book in front of is GPod poster, nervous with anticipation, barely able to focus on the words.
While Demetria was flooding the entire bathroom trying to fix his horrible mess.
After about half an hour Martin heard a sudden flushing alongside a sigh of relief and a "It's done!" Martin quickly moved over to the sink and started dabbing his fingers in the water to make sure he looked as productive as he could before she opened the door,  he rewarded her with "Great, thanks!"
She seemed pretty proud of herself for accomplishing such a great feat, but made sure to tell Martin that some cleaning was due and so was her pay. He paid up before she left with a jolly "See you soon, Mart!" That made him smile, knowing she wasn't completely disgusted with him after where she had just been. She skipped down the path to her truck while Martin grimly hobbled into his bathroom dragging a mop behind him.
While trying not to inhale any air, he mopped up the entirety of the 'liquid' from the floor...
...before sponging and soaping down the entire surface of the grimy bath tub...
... and scraping out the toilet with what he called a 'toilet stick'.
After over an hours work, he was finally the owner of a house now habitable by most people, he was surprised Demetria didn't keel over while working in there, he knew he almost did... twice.
For another rare occurrence, he also made food, this time a stack of Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches.
Don't ask me why he made a whole bunch of them, maybe he wanted to make some for later; So he can alternate between PB&J and Cereal.
With some spare money he had in the bank, he decided to finally do some extreme decorating, a full wall push was in order to make more space in the house.
A full meter extra room on one side!
He could now enter the bed from 2 different sides as well as getting his teddy, Bonessa, some space to sit. Martin liked halloween styled decorations, it was his favourite holiday for decorations, just not fun or enjoyment.
The main living room was also a lot more spacious now, with extra room for reading, sitting and eating; everything you needed for day to day existence.
and to end the day, Martin rewarded his slew of irregular tasks (for Martin anyway) like cleaning, cooking and remodeling with one, big mediocre tasting PB&J Sandwich... CONGRATULATIONS! 

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